Thursday, February 5, 2009

Our first get together

To pursue my husband with the same kind of and intensity of passion that I did when we were dating or even more. Is that possible in marriage? I have heard 'yes'. Is it common? I don't think so. Can we make it more common? Yes, we can; one choice at a time. I am up for the challenge. What does that look like do you think?

A joke with a purpose: The mayor and his wife walk into a community function and sit down a little later in walks the wife's high school sweetheart. The mayor leans over to his wife and whispers, 'Just think if you had of married him you would have been a carpenters wife.' His wife replies, 'No, I would have been the mayor's wife.'

I suppose this joke could be taken several ways but I see it like this. A wife has incredible power to help a husband be successful, to achieve his dreams and to meet a potential he had never imagined or she has the power to squash his spirit, crush his confidence and destroy his desire to dream. I want to be the former.

This is my purpose in marriage: To have a GREAT marriage relationship, to learn how to help my husband to be the very best, most confident person he can be, to learn how to be his biggest fan.

I expect to find a wonderful joy and freedom in this. Do you think this kind of attitude or expectation of a wife is confining or limiting or..? I have no problem with hearing conflicting views.

For discussion in the 3rd week of February we are reading the Introduction and Chapter one of "The proper care and feeding of Husbands".

Been and Going

For the last five years I have been fighting with depression. This year I decided to accept that I was feeling depressed and then knowing what that darkness was that I was fighting with, I began to attack it with some clarity and strength; I saw a psyciatrist, talked to my friends, asked myself some hard questions holding God's hand through it all and started looking outward again instead of being stuck with my eyes turned inward. It feels so good to be out of that dark, critical, hopeless, unmotivated, lonely place. So now that I feel like my joyful self again I have some bad habits to break in myself mostly in regards to how I treat my husband...ok God, how?
In the summer my mom and I read Dr. Laura Schlessinger's "The proper care and feeding of husbands". The concepts in that book challenged me a lot and encouraged me to be an awesome wife. Did God use Dr. Laura to speak to me? Sure did. So I would like to share this journey of becoming an awesome wife. How long will it take? Oh, probably the rest of my life. But I am sure that it will be worth it. I hope you will hike along and share your thoughts here too.
A few other wives and I are getting together to read and discuss this book a couple times a month, my hope is that we will bat some thoughts back and forth here between book club nights. If anyone else wants to join the online discussion you are very welcome to read along.